J.D. Greear

As is the Manner of Some: When Pastors Disassemble the Gathering

As is the Manner of Some: When Pastors Disassemble the Gathering

I haven’t read much from The Gospel Coalition (TGC) since 2018. That was the year I began to realize that rather than build up, their content slyly compromises the Gospel message and undermines the growth and maturation of the Church.

With this context in mind, I wasn’t surprised to learn of TGC’s most recent nonsensical appeal to the Church. In “Why Our Church Canceled Christmas Service”, Pastor Fletcher Lang, founder of the Boston Center for Biblical Counseling, lists several reasons his church won’t be gathering for worship this Sunday, which this year falls on Christmas Day.

The thing is, neither of Pastor Lang’s reasons is Biblically sound, his sharing this information isn’t edifying to the Body, and I am concerned his take is yet another sign of a dangerous trajectory churches have been on since the 2020 Covid closures (which TGC supported, and I was against, of course). So, as I have with other TGC offerings, I am writing to express a few concerns with Pastor Lang’s article here.