We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

According to Lecrae, the “Christian” label is a hindrance to his “ministry” (sorry, his “career”). It blocks him from taking his ministry (I mean his music) to the world - a world that wouldn’t typically buy a Christian record. To ensure he reaches the most souls possible, he doesn’t wish to be confined to any category - especially not “Christian”.  But he readily confesses he’s “authentic to hip-hop”.  He says this is why he’s more comfortable around “Sway over Hillsong” and why he’s able to “befriend the Kendrick Lamars and the Chance the Rappers” of the world.  

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

Since Ferguson, Lecrae’s been much more vocal about racial injustice, and he’s taken some heat for that. In recent interviews he’s implied this backlash has come because American Christians are just too privileged to “get it”. According to him, the American Christian culture sees a black man speaking on such matters as being “too black”.

But as a Black Christian, I’ve have to interject and say, NO, my brotha! That is NOT the heart of the issue.

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

Lecrae has a song, a book, merch and did a whole tour on being “unashamed”. And while he’s crossed over into the secular music world, my understanding he’s still part of the 116 Clique (referring to Romans 1:16). Nevertheless, every time he does an interview or public appearance and someone asks him a direct,  faith-related question, he swerves and hits folks with the #KanyeShrug. 

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

With intimate ties to the Church and the world, Lecrae has been introducing the Body to much deception and stumbling blocks as of late. Whether intentional or out of sheer naiveté, a man who has worked this hard to cross over for the sake of impacting lives hasn't been as careful as he should be with how he moves. As I said in the intro to this piece, Lecrae is free to do whatever he wants wants. After all, he has free will. However, as a professing Christian he is accountable to God first, but ALSO the Body of Christ. And while he has Christian liberty, that liberty is limited by love - love for God, fellow Believers and even unbelievers. Whatever any Christian does has to be filtered through how it would honor God then how it would be most beneficial to their own walk with God as well as how it might impact the faith walk of others. 

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

We Just Lost One: Bye Lecrae

Lecrae is not a Christian rapper. He is a rapper who professes to be a Christian who happens to compromise a lot. He’s shown us this time and time again since about 2012. For many in the Church, however, this has been a tough reality to grasp. But it’s high time we finally open our eyes and accept it.

He’s giving off strong signs of being a lukewarm Believer and this, unfortunately stands to negatively impact all who look up to him. This doesn’t mean he lacks sincerity in what he does believe.  It doesn’t mean he doesn’t believe in God. It means he’s lacks full commitment and loyalty to God and His truth because he’s still also devoted in the world.  

Christian Persecution is Coming to America

Christian Persecution is Coming to America

Yesterday, we celebrated the 241st "birthday" of our nation's Declaration of Independence.  But for the past few weeks, I've actually been contemplating matters relating to our Constitution. I'm aware that the U.S. Constitution wouldn't become the law of the land for another decade, two months and 13 days after we declared our independence from British rule.  And I can respect the amount of painstaking time, energy and thought our Forefathers put into creating our "more perfect Union" and the "supreme law" that would rule it. Yet, with all that is going on in our nation and the world, I've been considering lately how desperately fragile this document, and the rights granted therein, actually are. 

Truth is, I'm of the mind that Christian persecution will become a widespread norm in the United States - probably in my lifetime.  I don’t mean persecution of the "Starbucks-removed-the-Christmas-tree-from-their- red- cups” variety (which, by the way, isn’t persecution at all given that Christmas is a man-made holiday rooted in pagan practices AND one that Jesus never told us to celebrate in the first place. But that’s another post). I’m talking about the type of persecution the early Church endured. 

It's Our Anniversary! Two Years & Two False Teachers Later...

It's Our Anniversary! Two Years & Two False Teachers Later...

I launched Truth+Fire two years ago (June 2015) expecting to merely share my faith.  

My first post, 5 Truths about Salvation You Don’t Want to Hear, But Need to Know, was written at a time that I was recommitting my life to God after being angry with Him for about nine years. Now that He and I were cool again, I felt “qualified” to put new Christians up on what this faith walk is “really" all about. I laugh at myself now. Not because the piece is no longer valid or relevant, but because I now know that list is infinite! If one is truly growing in their faith, that list will require perpetual updates as God takes us from glory to glory in our knowledge of Him through Jesus Christ.  

I also recognize the irony in the title of that piece, as I would eventually come to learn quite a few things I REALLY didn’t want to hear, but DESPERATELY needed to know.  One thing in particular was that most, if not ALL, of my my favorite and/or former pastors are (and have long been) false teachers.

Why Defending The Shack is Whack!

Why Defending The Shack is Whack!

At this point, I don’t think I need to speak much more on how heretical and doctrinally dangerous The Shack is. Thanks to some solid men and women of God, that’s been handled here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. (Ooh! And here too!) And I don't think I need to point to the irony that the book is named for a poorly constructed edifice guaranteed to fall apart the second the wind blows too hard.  Nope! I don't think I need to point out those spiritual implications at all. (Lol!)

Yet, there are professed believers who STILL, somehow, find this book to be a compelling resource for winning souls to Christ. There are actually professed Christians who find The Shack to be pretty solid in the matters of the Christian faith. (Argh!) The sad part, though, is their arguments in favor of this book aren’t at all sound - let alone Biblical.

Therefore, just like The Shack, these arguments need to be torn down. 

Here are the three mainline arguments I've seen touted in support of The Shack (the book and the film) so far. Of course, loving rebukes follow. 

Building the Wall of Truth: A Christian Response to Immigration (Pt. 2)

Building the Wall of Truth: A Christian Response to Immigration (Pt. 2)

Since Donald Trump's travel ban was implemented last Saturday, the world has been in utter turmoil. Amidst the chaos has been a slew of "alternative facts" stating how Christians ought to respond. I’ve created a list of the top 5 most frequent claims that hit the Internet this week.  The first two claims are addressed in Part 1. Read on for Part 2.