Building the Wall of Truth: A Christian Response to Immigration (Pt. 1)

Building the Wall of Truth: A Christian Response to Immigration (Pt. 1)

Since Donald Trump's travel ban was implemented last Saturday, the world has been in utter turmoil. Amidst the chaos has been a slew of "alternative facts" stating how Christians ought to respond. I’ve created a list of the top 5 most frequent claims that hit the Internet this week.  I address claims one and two in this post. Claims three through five are covered in Part 2

Why the Bible Needs a Place in Modern American Society: Ironic Lessons from the Huffington Post and Keith Burton

Why the Bible Needs a Place in Modern American Society: Ironic Lessons from the Huffington Post and Keith Burton

Huffington Post Religion recently published a piece entitled "The Bible Has No Place in Modern American Society: Sobering Lessons from Donald Trump and Kim Burrell". But as the author, Keith Burton, attempts to argue why the Bible is a "dangerous book" that needs to be "delegitimized" in America, he inadvertently makes a case for the VERY reason the Bible is so necessary for us today. Read on as I highlight the various follies and ironies that Burton (and the Huffington Post) present to (unintentionally) undermine their own case.   

Merry Just Another Day: The Vanity in Christmas

Merry Just Another Day: The Vanity in Christmas

Professed Christians of all denominations (generally speaking) and Catholics have long proclaimed Christmas to be “holy” or “sacred”, despite it being well-known to be 1) man-made and 2) rooted in vain and pagan practices. 

Not many seem to get the problem with this. And those who do and dare raise concern about it might be met with a quotation of Romans 14:4-5, called a legalist and then told shut up! Honestly, that verse used to be enough to help me tell others to shush. But, out of the blue this year, I was convicted about Christmas, so I sought to inquire of the Lord about it. As I went to the Lord in prayer and searched His Word my eyes were opened to some truths that even I'm still processing. This piece will bless your soul in the long run, but it may upset you at first. So, go to the Lord in prayer then come back and read this, being prepared to filter this truth through your spirit.  

God Trumps Man: Why Donald Trump is Perfect for America

God Trumps Man: Why Donald Trump is Perfect for America

Despite what many may think, Donald Trump is uniquely qualified to represent America at such a time as this. Here's why I believe he is God's perfect choice to make our nation great again.  

Positive Thinking is False Thinking...and a Few Thoughts on Joel Osteen's Latest Book

Positive Thinking is False Thinking...and a Few Thoughts on Joel Osteen's Latest Book

The power of "positive thinking" is a popular concept, and it seems to fit right at home in the Church. This is perhaps why some many mega pastors have authored best-selling books and preached international sermons on the topic.  But my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ need to know that the concept of "positive thinking" is hogwash that cannot be entertained by disciples of Jesus Christ!  (I mean that with as much sugar as my personality will allow.)  Joel Osteen preaches it. Joyce Meyer preaches it. I've heard several other heavy hitters in the faith community preach it, and while it sounds great,  positive thinking is false thinking.  It isn't of God and there's nothing Biblical about it. 

The End is Near: 5 Things You Need to Know about the Rapture

The End is Near: 5 Things You Need to Know about the Rapture

One thing that has been pressing on my heart lately is the “pre-tribulation/post-tribulation” debate that has creeped into the Church. For those who aren’t familiar with it, the “pre-trib/post-trib” debate includes opposing views on exactly when and how Jesus Christ is to return for His Bride.

Certainly, some would just plant themselves some place in the middle of these two arguments. Others would say neither argument matters – after all, as long as we’ve accepted Jesus, we’re good.  

But here’s the truth: It matters! And what you believe (or don’t) can have grave consequences. 

So, to bring you up to speed, here are 5 things you need to know and should begin to study about Jesus’ return.


Can You Be Separated from God's Love? YEP!

Can You Be Separated from God's Love? YEP!

Yes. You read the title of this piece correctly. One can most certainly be separated from the love of God.

You may even be prepared to quote Romans 8:38-39 to prove me wrong, but you’d be surprised to know that it is that very scripture that proves this assertion to be correct. Truth is, while God is love and God loves us all, God’s everlasting, never-ending love does not apply to everyone. Some people can become separated from God’s love. This truth is spelled out in God’s Word. The issue is most, even professed Christians, don’t venture to read it to fully understand it. So let's explore...

Ummm...That Ain't in My Bible: Stuff Lukewarm Christians Say (Part 2)

Ummm...That Ain't in My Bible: Stuff Lukewarm Christians Say (Part 2)


Welcome to the second installment of "Ummm...That Ain't in My Bible".  If you've had a chance to read Part 1 of this series, you know my entire goal is to examine and tear down some of the things non-believers and lukewarm Christians have been known to say when discussing or explaining matters of the Christian faith.  I was inspired to write this piece because even I uttered some of these falsities and half-truths until I grew more committed to my walk with Christ and got serious about studying God's word.

So, in an effort to begin to speak the truth (and to help us graduate from lowly lukewarm status), in this installment I'm debunking a couple of phrases that tend to misrepresent God's attributes and Jesus's purpose.

Ummm...That Ain't in My Bible: Stuff Lukewarm Christians Say (Part 1)

Ummm...That Ain't in My Bible: Stuff Lukewarm Christians Say (Part 1)

I’ve been saved and a professed Christian since 2002, but I’ve managed to say and believe a lot of things about God and my faith that I’ve come to realize just simply aren’t true. Chief among these falsities are popular, albeit non-biblical phrases and contextually inaccurate scriptures often uttered by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

Certainly, I don’t believe most of us mean to say these crazy things. It’s just that we don’t know any better. And we don’t know any better because we’ve not taken the time to study God’s Word. And we don’t study God’s Word because we are perfectly content with being lukewarm ‘Church Folk’ rather than true disciples of Jesus Christ. As such, we allow something the world made up to infiltrate our hearts and minds and pulpits because it sounds good.

So, in an effort to begin to speak the truth (and to help us graduate from lowly lukewarm status), I’m dedicating my next series of blog posts to debunking popular phrases that are anti-biblical or just make absolutely no sense! Read on for Part 1. 

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

When tragedy strikes, judgment from outsiders usually follows. We ask ourselves why it happened, and many are tempted to offer up an explanation.  Jesus certainly says judgment is necessary in these instances. But it's important to understand whom He says we should be judging in the midst of tragedy and why. Here's how Jesus wants us to judge Orlando and other tragedies in our world.