
What Your Single Friends REALLY Think About Your Engagement

What Your Single Friends REALLY Think About Your Engagement

It seems within weeks an engagement occurs, female friendships can begin to take a nasty, catty turn. According to my social media timelines, these cat fights rear their ugly heads because a single friend is now “hating” on the newly engaged friend. It's a sad state of affairs, people. So, this post is inspired by a lot of what I've seen play out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and much, much more.  I’m writing this in love, and in an effort to help you repair and maintain important relationships. I also seek to help others who have to watch this stuff play out in our newsfeed maintain our sanity - ladies, we honestly can't take another passive aggressive status update or meme.

So, engaged ladies, here are four things your single female friends are most likely thinking about your impending nuptials.