S2RR: Pastors, Podcasters + Pulpit Pimpettes (S1E3)


In light of recent allegations against Heather and Cornelius Lindsey, today's episode is a relevant replay of a fan favorite from Truth + Fire: The Podcast Season 1:  Pastors, Podcasters and Pulpit Pimpettes (S1E3).  While we disagree with the manner in which these recent allegations are being exposed and the way in which the investigation is being conducted, we fully support the need for Heather and Cornelius Lindsey to step down as pastors and to cease any and all other ministry-related activities. Whatever individual "spiritual abuses" they may or may not have committed against their members and supporters, they have most certainly abused the Word of God. Heather and Cornelius are FALSE TEACHERS because they preach a FALSE GOSPEL, which automatically disqualifies them from ministry. A formal investigation into why they should be avoided need only begin and end with the Scriptures. Available on all major podcast streaming platforms or listen online now (no app required).