"Secondary Issues...?" Livestreaming Friday, 7/29 @ 7PM ET

"Secondary Issues...?" Livestreaming Friday, 7/29 @ 7PM ET

As current cultural trends and ideological differences seemingly divide Christians along political lines, Host Veriteetfeu is joined by Truth + Fire Subscribers and other special guests to discuss whether these divisions are actually Biblically necessary. Join the discussion live Friday, July 29th at 7PM ET.

God Wins: A Gospel-Centric "Pride Month" Series

God Wins: A Gospel-Centric "Pride Month" Series

As most of you may be aware, June is LGBT Pride Month.  However, most may not be aware that June is also Truth + Fire’s anniversary month. (Yay! We’re turning 4 this year!)  Of course, this blog’s mission and the LGBT agenda are diametrically opposed.  Yet, I’ve decided to intersect our respective celebrations with a Pride Month series.

You read that correctly!  

From my thoughts on Caitlyn Jenner and Kim Davis to answering some of my gay friends’ most pressing questions, all of Truth + Fire’s LGBT-related content has been curated into a single collection for your reading pleasure this June.

I pray you find this series edifying, and I hope God graces you to share it (and the Gospel of Jesus Christ) with your LGBT-identifying friends and family this month and beyond.

With all the peace and love God intends,


Why the Church doesn't Need "Safe Spaces" for the Same-Sex Attracted

Why the Church doesn't Need "Safe Spaces" for the Same-Sex Attracted

In her piece, “How to Be a Safe Space for the Same-Sex Attracted,” writer Rachel Gilson issues a guidance to Christians to help us respond to church members who disclose they are same-sex attracted. Gilson presents this matter as a high priority issue because she believes the same-sex attracted are actually more prevalent in the church than we know. Yet, for fear of “ugly assumptions...misunderstanding….and suspicion,” she says these individuals are often forced to remain in the shadows.

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

How Jesus Wants Us to Judge Orlando and Other Tragic Events

When tragedy strikes, judgment from outsiders usually follows. We ask ourselves why it happened, and many are tempted to offer up an explanation.  Jesus certainly says judgment is necessary in these instances. But it's important to understand whom He says we should be judging in the midst of tragedy and why. Here's how Jesus wants us to judge Orlando and other tragedies in our world. 

God calls me "Female": A Few Strong Thoughts on Gender Identity

God calls me "Female": A Few Strong Thoughts on Gender Identity

Cisgender: I literally JUST learned this term last week while reading an issue of Essence. In light of recent events, I've seen this term more often over the past few days. I've even used it a couple times in broader discussions on gender politics and social media debates.

But I don't self-identify with the term.

I am not “cisgender”.  I am not a "cisgender woman". I am not a "cisgender female". I am a woman. I am female. That's it.

Questions from My Gay Friends: Part 2- What About Gay Christians?

Questions from My Gay Friends: Part 2- What About Gay Christians?

As homosexuality and same-sex marriage are embraced in the mainstream, the question is decreasingly whether either is wrong. Instead, there is growing concern over when Christians will finally, en masse, get with the times and open the Church’s doors to same-sex wedding ceremonies and gay pastors.

In a previous post ,“Questions from my Gay Friends: Do You Eat Shellfish”, I attempted to answer one of the most most prevalent, albeit scornful, questions posed by those seeking to challenge the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin. Thus, as a Christian AND a loud, proud shellfish connoisseur, I felt it my duty - nay, my OBLIGATION - to address that question with the utmost urgency!

I honestly enjoyed writing that piece and believe, by the grace of God, I was able to offer a thoughtful answer to one of the most infamous trump cards used in the "Homosexuality vs Christianity" debate.

But I'm also aware that some questions truly do come from a sincere place, and I believe those inquiries deserve to be directly addressed. There are LGBT-identifying Christian men and women who may feel overlooked as each side attempts to trump the other with its ideologies. I’ve decided to dedicate this post to them.