Feeling Righteous Indignation, Won't Delete Later...

Feeling Righteous Indignation, Won't Delete Later...

Even as we might disagree politically with our progressive friends, I think the average American Christian has done a bang up job of trying to respect their “rights”, under U.S. law, to engage in what we well know are sins against God. For the most part, we really haven’t worked with fierce intention to overturn policies like Roe v. Wade, Obergefell v. Hodges (the 2015 ruling on same sex “marriage”), or other such laws. Instead, we have simply sought to reach the hearts and minds of those who would take advantage of their “right” to engage in those sins. We’ve discussed with them the spiritual and practical implications of their choices, and we have hoped that, in response to the Gospel, they’d come to repentance. Other than that, we’ve tried to mind our business and live quiet lives, all while knowing the days are evil.

Same-Sex Marriage Legal Under U.S. Law: Why Christians Should Chill Out About It!

Same-Sex Marriage Legal Under U.S. Law: Why Christians Should Chill Out About It!


Lookah here…lookah here!

Same-sex marriage is FINALLY legal in all 50 states and I couldn’t be experiencing more peace in my soul! Yet, my fellow Christian bretheren and sistern (is that a word?) seem to be downtrodden and rather somber about it, and I can't say I fully understand why.

From where I sit, today’s ruling made perfect practical sense and I knew it was only a matter of time.